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Artwork guidelines to ensure the best quality possible.
Adstick Artwork Specifications
Please note that it makes good sense to check your print labels design (and spelling) before sending them to us – corrections or modifications made after the proofing stage will incur extra charges, as we need to repeat the entire pre-press process to incorporate the new files.
Software Supported (Mac and PC versions)
Adobe Photoshop – versions up to and including CC
Adobe Illustrator – versions up to and including CC
For all customized labels our strongly preferred format is an Adobe Illustrator EPS file with all fonts converted to outlines, as this is the format we print directly from on our digital presses. Click here for an explanation of the font outlining process.
Pre-flight – Common File Preparation Mistakes to Avoid
Unnecessary Files Supplied
Art files submitted should only contain those files required for those labels being printed on the current order.
Missing Files
Send all of the files necessary to separate and print your labels. Include the following:
All page layout files – include layered Photoshop files.
All exported EPS files and THEIR source files. I.e. flattened TIF or EPS files.
All placed/linked and embedded graphics files.
Improperly Placed Graphics
Improperly placed graphics is a frequently occurring, time consuming, and costly problem. Incorrectly handled graphics may affect disk review, composition, proofing, and our ability to separate the art in order to print the label with your desired results. Important rules to follow for placing graphics:
Account for all bleed in final document before cropping and scaling final image.
Place all graphics at 100% in all documents. Graphics must be scaled in their source applications. (Photoshop for instance.)
Do not rotate graphics in page layout. Rotate in source application and place at 0º.
Crop graphics in source application. Many layout applications allow some cropping, but excess image should be cropped off before the element is imported.
Graphics must be built at the proper dpi to ensure they do not affect quality when printed. Bitmapped art should be at 1200dpi, continuous tone images, (CMYK and Grayscale) should be built at 300dpi. All RGB images need to be converted to process colors to be printed. (CMYK)
Missing Fonts
To avoid delays in completing your order it is important to include the following:
Include all screen and printer fonts required for your label. Without screen fonts we can not view your label and without printer fonts we cannot print it. Do not use True Type fonts.
Set type in page layout applications. Type set in photo-manipulation applications like Photoshop cause trapping difficulties. Check Spelling! We do not take responsibility for proofing your work.
All files submitted must include a Font suitcase, including PDF fonts.
Disappearing Type, Rules, and Dots
Keep type size to a minimum of 4 points. Rules and dots must be at least .5 point.
Conflicting Color Specifications
It is very important to define colors properly to avoid any confusion. We prefer that colors specified be in the Pantone Matching System® color book. Colors not used in your label should be eliminated.
We must have a color composite hard copy and a color separated hard copy of each label to be printed to avoid errors at both the proofing and printing stages of production.
Variation in Color Outputs
Color output from monitors and printers will vary. This is true for all colors, including process. Because of this fact, colors produced on you equipment will not always match the printed label. When specifying colors, refer to your PMS book. For all process images, Adstick will supply a match print for approval. Which will better resemble the printed product.
Missing or Incomplete Preflight Form
Upon the completion of your artwork. We recommend that you check your work to ensure everything will process correctly. The Pre-flight Form then must be completed and accompany the art file to Adstick Custom Labels where it will be used during disk review and art and plate preparation.
After a thorough Pre-flight Form and art file review, depending on the art submitted. Some or all of the following is completed during the plate preparation process.
Step and reproportion all graphics images for flexographic printing.
Add bearer bars, mounting marks, and registration marks.
PC to Mac conversion when necessary.
Add traps, bleeds, spreads and chokes where necessary.
Compensate for dot gains and losses incurred during the plate production and printing processes.
Adjust graduated screens where necessary.
Process Printing:
Make color corrections and LPI adjustments.
Overprint black copy or separate solid copy from the screen images.
Add color bars.
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